
As a nonprofit organization, we depend on monetary and in-kind donations to help make ends meet. Donations are used to pay 24/7 expenses for the cats, as well as operating expenses (rent, payroll, insurance, pet supplies, cleaning, etc.).

Please consider making a monetary donation or an in-kind donation from our wish list. All recurring donations greater than $10/month are automatically enrolled in our Cool Cats Club, which provides VIP access to special events at the café.

Top 5 Most Appreciated Donations

  • Gift cards to Amazon, Kroger, or Feeders Supply

  • Sentry Calming Collars or Room Diffusers

  • Canned food such as Merrick, Natural Balance, and Nine Lives

  • Paper towels and bleach wipes

  • Clumping clay litter, any brand

*Donations can be dropped off any day we are open. Tax receipt provided upon request.

We could not be successful without our dedicated food and rescue partners.

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